Kingdom Nation
Dramatic Streaming Series for African youth
Kingdom Nation features the real-life stories of East and Central Africa youth - from attacks by occult groups and intimidation by drug lords to young boys and girls who pursue - and reach - amazing dreams.
A Kenyan entrepreneur and his American girlfriend work with a hilarious and inspiring team to help youth pursue their God-given dreams.
Art, Audition,
Target April 2024
Production of
Pilot and 1-2
Episodes in
Gear for
Target May/June 2024
$25, 000
Edit, Sound,
Budget TBD
10 Episodes
Budget TBD
Budget TBD
Target April 2024
Sam West
Show Creator/Himself
Leader Kingdom Nation Team
Titus Hug
Executive Producer
President Heroes of the Nation
Violet Gitonga
Executive Producer
Cofounder Heroes of the Nation
Kush Tracy
Social Celebrity, Kingdom Nation Team
Kingdom Nation series is a partnership between International filmmakers and regional organizations to create best in market media and tell compelling stories that exemplify the best of the human spirit and our reliance on our beautiful creator.
Story Impact
The real life stories will help set African Youth free to fulfill their divine calling.
Promote Heros
The series and fundraising process will promote HTN's Kenyan orphan ministry.
Heroes recoups returns
Heros of the Nation will own the series, so any financial return will be recycled to support Heroes.
Filmmaker Training
Emerging international filmmakers gain experience with experienced professionals.
Heroes of the Nation
Heroes of the Nation - Kenya - has cared for vulnerable and orphaned children since 2002, raising them up to become the future leaders of Africa. The Kingdom Nation Team brings that transformation to the schools of Africa, impacting over one million students so far.
Heroes’ media team hosted RocketSled's filmmaking seminar in Spring 2023. We were so impressed with their ministry and media team (and our filmmaking partner from South Sudan!), that we felt led to return for this larger project.
In Country Producer
Africa is home to the more under 24 year olds than anywhere in the world and poised to be a major world influence in the near future. Streamers are seeking to grow their international audiences and are looking to Africa for subscribers, so African audiences have the chance to influence streamer content choices. If we neglect this opportunity, more conservative moral African audiences will be flooded with the same degrading media that has undermined the West. Or we can work together to change the story.
We are partnering US - based filmmakers with Kenya media teams to create best in market content for Africa and elevate the next generation of African filmmaking talent. That regional filmmaking talent will have influence on Africa for decades to come and form a base from which to replicate similar partnerships in other emerging media markets around the world.
The Kingdom Nation series is well positioned for marketing advantage and favorable distribution with team social media followings already running between 1M and 1.5M and views on some postings reaching between 5M-10M views.
Process and Budgets
Stage One - Pilot and 2 additional episodes
We will use the pilot and first episodes to secure distribution and remaining funding.
Treatments to Screenplays
Preproduction : Storyboards, Art, Auditions, Locations
Production of Pilot and 1-2 additional episodes in Kenya
Post Production
This is the short film Heroes produced with our team during our 3 day training session. It convinced us they were poised for much broader filmmaking impact.
Jackline Kamanjiri
Kenya Producer
Heroes of the Nation Producer
Greg Silker
U.S. Producer
Co-founder Rocketsled Studios
Jazzmine Maina
Writer from the hit Showmax series Faithless.
Cristobal Krusen
Script Advisor
Writer/Director. Founder Messenger Films