Most of you know about our kingdom ministry ventures like Bordertown Coffee and Kappa Pi Alpha.
You probably also know that we've supported our ministry ventures with our marine media company for many years.
And if you've been within a few feet of me in the past 8 years, you've heard about the call we've felt to create missions film and equip international filmmakers.
Rocketsled represents a merging of those media and missions worlds.
There is a battle for the soul of the world. That's nothing new. It started in the Garden of Eden with a slippery tongued snake telling a deceptive story to our first mother. But, digital devices have put that battle for our imaginations on screens around the world 24/7 (most people average 7.5 hours/day on digital devices - or 1/3 of their lives).
The battle isn't just to create some "Christian entertainment." It's to decide whether God's stories will be present in the marketplace of ideas that dominates this generation.
Will God's people use this new printing press with the passion and dedication it calls for?
Introducing Rocketsled Studios
We've launched Rocketsled Studios to put God's stories on screens around the world.
And to help equip and disciple filmmakers from the nations of the world.
Please join us. It's a big vision. But, the next post Telling Stories in a Dark Room will give you an idea why we feel this is a must do vision.
"It was as though all these lost children had been hiding in this dark building, just waiting for a storyteller to come along.”